Rigid multi-body dynamics in C++ and Python
Pinocchio is a C++ library for dynamic computations focusing on robotic, computer animation and biomechanical applications. It is based on the dynamic multi-body computations formalized by Featherstone in his book. The software comes with a python wrapping and vizualisation tool.
H2020 Memmo
Pinocchio is a central part of the H2020 project on the Memory of Motion. For further informations, please read the project homepage

Pinocchio includes work funded by the european RoboCom++ project. For further informations, please read the project homepage
ERC Leap
Pinocchio includes work funded by the ERC Starting Grant on the LEarning from our collective visual memory to Analyze its trends and Predict future events.

ERC Actanthrope
Pinocchio is a central part of the ERC Advanced Grant on the Computational Foundations of Anthropomorphic Action. For further informations, please read the project homepage
An ANR-Entracte software
Pinocchio is an integrated software for the national ANR project ENTRACTE. For further informations, please read the project homepage

Library features
The following algorithms are implemented.
The model can be parsed from a URDF format. The following joint models are implemented.
Tutorials are proposed (see the corresponding item in the menu atop the page): generate your first humanoid walk in 20 hours of work, while discovering Python, the Pinocchio interface, inverse kinematics and LQR.