The core of the stack of tasks mechanism is independent from ROS: an execution is hence realized in a closed environment (the entities are only defined in the python environment and are only accessible via python commands). However, some bridges with ROS exist: for the display, but also to send and receive some pieces of data.
Two entities allow you to exchange data from the ROS environment to the stack of tasks one, and convert ros topics in sot signals, namely rosPublish
and rosSubscribe
Here is a example of publication of matrix homogeneous from the sot environment to the ROS environment:
ros.rosPublish.add('matrixHomoStamped', robot.frames['rightGripper'].name +'_position', 'right_gripper') ros.rosPublish.displaySignals() --- <rosPublish> signal list: |-- <Sig:N12dynamicgraph10RosPublishE(rosPublish)::input(MatrixHomo)::romeo_rightHand_position (Type Cst) AUTOPLUGGED `-- <Sig:N12dynamicgraph10RosPublishE(rosPublish)::input(int)::trigger (Type Fun)
The robot right hand position is publised in a ROS topic:
rostopic list /right_gripper
This creates an input signal for the ros.rosPublish entity (romeo_rightHand_position
), as well as the rostopic element /right_gripper
Please note that this alone does NOT publish anything. In order to publish something, it is hence necessary to plug a signal to the one created in rosPublish.
plug(robot.frames['rightGripper'].position, ros.rosPublish.signal(robot.frames['rightGripper'].name +'_position'))
Now you are publishing:
rostopic echo -n 1 /right_gripper header: seq: 24577 stamp: secs: 1408440100 nsecs: 786866991 frame_id: /dynamic_graph/world child_frame_id: '' transform: translation: x: 0.12276189235 y: -0.242369571396 z: 0.659561031231 rotation: x: -0.0883991792798 y: 0.534618973732 z: -0.0459091290832 w: 0.839202284813
Importing a tf requires to convert first the tf into a matrix homogeneous in order to import it in the stack of tasks. The child_frame HAS TO be the odom frame, which is the base for the SoT environment. Hence, in order to use the position of an object in the stack of tasks, you can add this to the launch file:
<node name="object" pkg="dynamic_graph_bridge" type="tf_publisher"> <param name="frame" type="string" value="object" /> <param name="child_frame" type="string" value="odom" /> <param name="topic" type="string" value="object" /> </node>