sot-doc  0.0.1
Documentation entry point for the Stack-Of-Tasks
Whole body motion


This tutorial gives a brief high level view of a complete whole body motion with a complex behavior using several components of the SoT.

It is assumed that:

  1. the stack of tasks has been installed using the installation instruction provided [there](download);
  2. you understood the [dynamic graph mechanism](a_dynamic_graph).

This tutorial details some examples to test the stack of tasks framework on the humanoid robot TALOS.

For Melodic

To visualize the robot, you need to have ROS and the following packages for ROS Melodic:

sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-twist-mux ros-melodic-joy-teleop ros-melodic-moveit-ros-move-group ros-melodic-humanoid-nav-msgs ros-melodic-play-motion ros-melodic-ompl ros-melodic-moveit-planners-ompl ros-melodic-moveit-simple-controller-manager

For Kinetic

To visualize the robot, you need to have ROS and the following packages for ROS Kinetic:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-twist-mux ros-kinetic-joy-teleop ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-move-group ros-kinetic-humanoid-nav-msgs ros-kinetic-play-motion ros-kinetic-ompl ros-kinetic-moveit-planners-ompl ros-kinetic-moveit-simple-controller-manager

You also need the following robotpkg binaries:

sudo apt-get install robotpkg-talos-dev

Make sure that [your environment is properly setup](d_setting_up_environment) and that the environments variables of your terminal contains "/opt/openrobots"

Scripted whole body motion


In the following three scripts are used to generate a whole body motion. One starting the Gazebo simulation, the second to start the general SoT framework, the third to generate the control graph and the subsequent whole body motion.

Start the simulation

roslaunch talos_gazebo talos_gazebo.launch

WARNING: The first time you are launching this command it might take some time because gazebo is downloading several models from Internet.

Start the SoT-ROS interface for TALOS in simulation (Gazebo)

roslaunch roscontrol_sot_talos sot_talos_controller_gazebo.launch

Start the motion of the robot

cd /opt/openrobots/share/sot-talos/tests/


Detailed explanation of

This script is run by a python interpreter outside the real-time control loop of the robot.

import sys
import rospy

The first lines are simply import system modules and the ros python interface.

from std_srvs.srv import *

It is used to test if the services provided by the SoT-ROS interface are available.

from dynamic_graph_bridge.srv import *
from dynamic_graph_bridge_msgs.srv import *

Import the helper objects to access services provided by the SoT-ROS interface.

def launchScript(code,title,description = ""):
    raw_input(title+':   '+description)
    for line in code:
        if line != '' and line[0] != '#':
            print line
            answer = runCommandClient(str(line))
            print answer
        rospy.loginfo("...done with "+title)

This script is loading a python file which will be send to the embedded python interpreter of the SoT. It is waiting the user to hit the enter key after display the python file to be loaded.

# Waiting for services
    rospy.loginfo("Waiting for run_command")

    rospy.loginfo("Waiting for start_dynamic_graph")

This part of the script waits that the services provided by SoT-ROS interface become available:

  • run_command which is the service to send python commands.
  • start_dynamic_graph is the service to start the control of the robot.
runCommandClient = rospy.ServiceProxy('run_command', RunCommand)
runCommandStartDynamicGraph = rospy.ServiceProxy('start_dynamic_graph', Empty)

Two helper objects are created to interact with the services.

initCode = open( "", "r").read().split("\n")

The file explained below is loaded in the variable initCode. It basically the control graph that will be applied to the robot.

rospy.loginfo("Stack of Tasks launched")

launchScript(initCode,'initialize SoT')

The last line is sending the script to the interpreter on the robot.

raw_input("Wait before starting the dynamic graph")

This line prints the string and waits for the user to hit enter


The last line starts to apply the control law to the robot and evaluate the whole SoT control graph.

raw_input("Wait before moving the hand")

This line prints the string and waits for the user to hit enter

runCommandClient("target = (0.5,-0.2,1.0)")

The first runCommandClient specifies a target position in (X,Y,Z) coordinates. The second runCommandClient specifies the gains to apply to the task taskRH and the axis to control. Here '111' means that all axis are controlled. The last runCommandClient push the task taskRH in the solver.

except rospy.ServiceException, e:
    rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)

The last two lines deals with exception which might raise during the process.

Detailed explanations of

from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks_kine import MetaTaskKine6d, MetaTaskKineCom, gotoNd
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.matrix_util import matrixToTuple
from numpy import eye

The first line import object collecting objects to realize generic kinematic tasks.

taskRH = MetaTaskKine6d('rh',robot.dynamic,'rh',robot.OperationalPointsMap['right-wrist']) handMgrip = eye(4); handMgrip[0:3,3] = (0.1,0,0) taskRH.opmodif = matrixToTuple(handMgrip) taskRH.feature.frame('desired')

The first line create a task rh at the operational point 'right-wrist'. The second line creates a homogeneous matrix handMgrip . The rotational part is set to identity and the translation part is set to **(0.1,0.0,0.0)**. The third line set a modification of the operational point. It is such that the controlled frame is 'right-wrist' multiplied at the left by handMgrip.

# --- STATIC COM (if not walking)
taskCom = MetaTaskKineCom(robot.dynamic)
taskCom.featureDes.errorIN.value =
taskCom.task.controlGain.value = 10

This task controls the CoM of the robot by reading the output of the entity robot.dynamic. The second line initialize the output value of signal It becomes the desired value in the third line. The control gain is set to 10 in the fourth line.

#define contactLF and contactRF
contactLF = MetaTaskKine6d('contactLF',robot.dynamic,'LF',robot.OperationalPointsMap['left-ankle'])
locals()['contactLF'] = contactLF

The first line create a set of object necessary to maintain contact with the left-ankle. The second line specifies the name of the desired feature. The third line specifies the gain of the contact. The fourth line maintains the position as a constraint.

contactRF = MetaTaskKine6d('contactRF',robot.dynamic,'RF',robot.OperationalPointsMap['right-ankle'])
locals()['contactRF'] = contactRF

The lines specified here are the same than for the previous contact.

from dynamic_graph import plug
from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT

The first line import bindings to the lower C++ framework.

sot = SOT('sot')

The first line instantiates a solver to generate a kinematic solver. The second line defines the size of free variables. The third line links the solution of the solver to the input of the robot.

from dynamic_graph.ros import RosPublish
ros_publish_state = RosPublish ("ros_publish_state")
ros_publish_state.add ("vector", "state", "/sot_control/state")

The first line import the python module to publish data in the ROS world (aka topics). The second line instantiate the object to make the interface from the Stack-Of-Tasks world to the ROS world. It creates an entity called "ros_publish_state".

The third line adds a topic called **/sot_control/state** from the signal state of the entity ros_publish_state

plug (robot.device.state, ros_publish_state.state)
robot.device.after.addDownsampledSignal ("ros_publish_state.trigger", 100)

The first line connect the signal robot.device.state to the the signal state of the entity ros_publish_state. The second line calls the signal ros_publish_state.trigger at 100 Hz after evaluating the control law.


The first line push the right foot contact task at the top of the SoT. The second line push the left foot contact task in the SoT. The third line push the CoM task in the SoT. The last line ask for a re-computation of the signal named control which belongs to the entity device.