This memo explains how to create and handle a super build (set of packages) workspace of the SoT with catkin tools. catkin tools should not confused with catkin_make. They can be installed independently from ROS.
Two solutions are possible:
The first solution is the fastest and is recommended to stay up-to-date with the core development team. The disadvantage is that the software environment might be unstable if the binary packages are updated continously.
To have a stable environment it is possible to freeze the binary packages coming from robotpkg (by imposing the version) or to use the second solution.
Practically it is possible to have both the binary packages in /opt/openrobots
to follow the latest development and to have the source packages in /home/user/own_stable_install
develop your own functionnalities.
The last solution is to use docker.
Running the following script will install the necessary SoT software dependency, but first you will need a few packages to be able to run it. To install them, run :
sudo apt install ccache libncurses5-dev pax texlive-latex-extra doxygen assimp-utils python3-notify2 python3-lark-parser
Some ros packages are required as well. For ros melodic you can run:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-octomap ros-melodic-orocos-kinematics-dynamics ros-melodic-four-wheel-steering-msgs ros-melodic-urdf-geometry-parser
For kinetic, run:
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-octomap ros-kinetic-orocos-kinematics-dynamics ros-kinetic-four-wheel-steering-msgs ros-kinetic-urdf-geometry-parser
To install the necessary SoT software dependency in /path_to_target_dir
you can simply try:
wget -O chmod +x ./ ./ -p /path_to_target_dir -s /path_to_robotpkg_src
This will install the binairies in /path_to_target_dir
and store the sources in /path_to_robotpkg_src
Other options to install the source dependencies are given in Installing dependencies.
source -p /path_to_target_dir -r source -p /path_to_sot_ws/install -r
You will then need some tools: one for version control, the other for your workspace
sudo apt install python3-vcstool python3-catkin-tools
Once this is done,to create your SoT workspace using the file sot_talos.repos:
wget -O chmod +x ./ ./ -p /path_to_sot_ws
The previous script is doing the following steps:
mkdir -p /path_to_sot_ws cd /path_to_sot_ws wget -O sot_talos.repos vcs import --recursive < sot_talos.repos # configure your catkin environment
To build everything you can simply type:
catkin build
The cmake arguments are explained in more details in Compiling and testing the packages (catkin)
The set of repositories can be handled using the vcs software
The repositories for the SoT can be specified in a file sot_talos.repos as follows:
repositories: others/robotpkg_helpers: type: git url: version: master src/dynamic-graph: type: git url: version: master src/dynamic-graph-python: type: git url: version: master src/dynamic_graph_bridge: type: git url: version: master src/dynamic_graph_bridge_msgs: type: git url: version: master src/jrl-walkgen: type: git url: version: master src/roscontrol_sot: type: git url: version: master src/sot-core: type: git url: version: master src/sot-doc: type: git url: version: master src/sot-dynamic-pinocchio: type: git url: version: master src/sot-pattern-generator: type: git url: version: master src/sot-talos: type: git url: version: master src/sot-talos-balance: type: git url: version: master src/sot-tools: type: git url: version: master src/sot-torque-control: type: git url: version: master src/talos_data: type: git url: version: master src/talos_metapkg_ros_control_sot: type: git url: version: master src/tsid: type: git url: version: master
To import all the repositories:
vcs import --recursive < sot_talos.repos
You can create your own file by going in the src directory of your workspace, and then type:
vcs export --repos > sot_talos.repos
In the src directory of the workspace
vcs status -quiet
In the root directory of the worspace
vcs pull
This will pull the current branch from its upstream remote server.
For instance we want to force the system to be in debug mode and to set some variables we can use the following command:
cd /path_to_sot_ws catkin config --install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG
It forces the package to be installed in the install folder, and forces all the CMake aware packages to be compiled in DEBUG mode.
A more involved example is the following:
local_cmake_args="--cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG " local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DPYTHON_STANDARD_LAYOUT:BOOL=ON" local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DPYTHON_DEB_LAYOUT:BOOL=OFF" local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DSETUPTOOLS_DEB_LAYOUT:BOOL=OFF" local_cmake_args="${local_cmake_args} -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=\"-std=c++1\"" catkin_config_args="--install -w /path_to_sot_ws" catkin_config_args="${catking_config_args} ${local_cmake_args}" catkin config ${catkin_config_args} --
catkin build
For instance the following command is compiling the dynamic-graph-python package:
catkin build dynamic-graph-python
For instance the following command is compiling the dynamic-graph-python package:
catkin build dynamic-graph-python --no-deps
For instance the following command is generating the documentation for the sot-core package:
catkin build sot-core --no-deps --make-args doc
catkin clean
Example running the test programs of the package dynamic-graph-python in the workspace root directory:
catkin test dynamic-graph-python
Note: make sure that the install directory is specified in the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH for instance. By default all dependent packages will also run the tests. To prevent this it is highly recommended to use:
catkin test dynamic-graph-python --no-deps
You need to add to the CXX_FLAGS and the LD_FLAGS the value –coverage:
catkin config --append --cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="--coverage" -DCMAKE_LD_FLAGS="--coverage"
Then run the test:
catkin test dynamic-graph-python
And in the workspace root directory you need to run:
gcovr -r . --html --html-details -o ./logs/coverage/index.html
To get the output of the coverage:
firefox ./logs/coverage/index.html
They are several ways to install the dependencies of the SoT from sources in a target directory /path_to_target_dir
We gave here two methods to install the necessary software environment for the Stack-of-Tasks. To illustrate the process the Talos humanoid robot related packages are used.
To install the necessary SoT software dependency in '''/path_to_target_dir``` you can simply try:
wget -O chmod +x ./ ./ -p /path_to_target_dir -s /path_to_robotpkg_src
The robotpkg source directory will be stored in /path_to_robotpkg_src
You can install the package management system robotpkg as detailed in Installing from source . During the procedure make sure that prefix is set to /path_to_target_dir
An intermediate solution between the two previous solution is to use a tool which configure robotpkg. It is done through the following steps:
Clone the following repository :
git clone robotpkg_helpers
Modify the following JSON file:
{"arch_dist_files": "arch_distfiles", "archives": "archives", "ramfs_mnt_pt": "openrobots", "repo_robotpkg_wip": "", "repo_robotpkg_main": "", "robotpkg_mng_root": "/integration_tests", "robotpkg_mng_base": "/integration_tests/openrobots", "robotpkg_mng_src": "/integration_tests/test-openrobots-src", "rc_pkgs": {}, "ssh_git_openrobots": false, "targetpkgs": ["talos-simulation","pinocchio","py-pinocchio","py-eigenpy", "simple-humanoid-description","eiquadprog","parametric-curves"] }
You can set the variable robotpkg_mng_base
to /path_to_target_dir
. This where all the binaries, libraries, ros packages and documentation will be installed. The variable robotpkg_mng_src
specifies where the robotpkg sources are stored.
To chain the workspace you can either follow this tutorial
with the workspace where all the SoT packages are located, or make an alias calling the script
source -p /path_to_target_dir -r source -p /path_to_sot_ws/install -r