This work has been partially supported by:
- H2020 Memmo
- FP7 Koroibot
- Euroc project
- ERC Actanthrope
- PSPC Romeo 2
- ANR Entracte
- RoboCom++
Real time Motion Control in C++
SoT is a C++ Software Developement Kit implementing a control architecture for redundant robots and more specifically for humanoid robots. The framework is flexible enough to implement hierarchical control and weighted control. Robots can be loaded from URDF model. The rigid body dynamics is provided through pinocchio. It is a collection of software packages handled by cmake and pkg-config.

Python interface for quick prototyping of problems
Python scripting is embedded in SoT. A few lines of Python code allows users to solve inverse kinematics problems or inverse dynamics problems. It can be interfaced with various middlewares. The current most supported is ROS.
Walking Pattern Generator
A walking pattern generator library is provided to generate Center-Of-Pressure, Center-Of-Mass and feet trajectories which are balanced.