dynamicgraph::sot::AbstractSotExternalInterface | |
dynamicgraph::sot::AdditionalFunctions | This helper class dynamically overloads the "new" shell command to allow creation of tasks and features as well as entities |
dynamicgraph::sot::BinaryIntToUint | |
dynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOp< Operator > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::detail::circular_buffer< T > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ClampWorkspace | |
dynamicgraph::sot::CoMFreezer | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Constraint | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ConstraintMem | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ConstraintRef | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Contiifstream | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ControlGR | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ControlPD | |
dynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Derivator< T > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Device | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionAbstract | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionDynamic | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionFactory | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionFeature | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionSignal | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionTask | |
dynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionTools | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Feature1D | Simple test: the task is defined to be e_2 = .5 . e'.e, with e the mother task. The jacobian is then J_2 = e'.J, J being the jacobian of the mother task |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract | This class gives the abstract definition of a feature |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureGeneric | Class that defines a generic implementation of the abstract interface for features |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureJointLimits | Class that defines gradient vector for jl avoidance |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureLineDistance | Class that defines point-3d control feature |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePoint6d | Class that defines point-3d control feature |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePoint6dRelative | Class that defines the motion of a point of the body wrt. another point |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture | |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureReferenceHelper< FeatureSpecialized > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureTask | |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureVector3 | Class that defines point-3d control feature |
dynamicgraph::sot::FeatureVisualPoint | Class that defines 2D visualPoint visual feature |
dynamicgraph::sot::FIRFilter< sigT, coefT > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Flags | |
dynamicgraph::sot::GainAdaptive | |
dynamicgraph::sot::GainHyperbolic | |
dynamicgraph::sot::command::GetElement< sigT, coefT > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::GripperControl | |
dynamicgraph::sot::GripperControlPlugin | |
dynamicgraph::sot::IntegratorAbstract< sigT, coefT > | Integrates an ODE. If Y is the output and X the input, the following equation is integrated: a_p * d(p)Y / dt^p + .... + a_0 Y = b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... . b_0 X a_i are the coefficients of the denominator of the associated transfer function between X and Y, while the b_i are those of the numerator |
dynamicgraph::sot::IntegratorEuler< sigT, coefT > | Integrates an ODE using a naive Euler integration. TODO: change the integration method. For the moment, the highest derivative of the output signal is computed using the previous values of the other derivatives and the input signal, then integrated n times, which will most certainly induce a huge drift for ODEs with a high order at the denominator |
dynamicgraph::sot::JointLimitator | Filter control vector to avoid exceeding joint maximum values |
dynamicgraph::sot::Kalman | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Mailbox< Object > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixConstant | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixForce | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixRotation | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist | |
dynamicgraph::sot::TaskAbstract::MemoryTaskAbstract | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MemoryTaskSOT | |
dynamicgraph::sot::SotH::MemoryTaskSOTH | |
MotionPeriod | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MotionPeriod | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MultiBound | |
dynamicgraph::sot::NamedVector | |
dynamicgraph::sot::NeckLimitation | |
dynamicgraph::sot::OpPointModifier | Compute position and jacobian of a local frame attached to a joint |
dynamicgraph::sot::PeriodicCall | |
dynamicgraph::sot::PeriodicCallEntity | |
dynamicgraph::sot::PoolStorage | This singleton class keep tracks of all features and tasks |
dynamicgraph::sot::RobotSimu | |
RotationSimple | |
dynamicgraph::sot::SeqPlay | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Sequencer | |
dynamicgraph::sot::command::SetElement< sigT, coefT > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::SmoothReach | |
dynamicgraph::sot::SolverHierarchicalInequalities | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Sot | This class implements the Stack of Task. It allows to deal with the priority of the controllers through the shell. The controllers can be either constraints either tasks |
dynamicgraph::sot::Sequencer::sotEventAbstract | |
dynamicgraph::sot::SotH | |
dynamicgraph::sot::MotionPeriod::sotMotionParam | |
dynamicgraph::sot::SotQr | |
sotReader | |
sotRotationComposed | |
sotRotationComposedInExtenso | |
sotRotationSimpleGiven | |
sotRotationSimpleHouseholder | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Mailbox< Object >::sotTimestampedObject | |
dynamicgraph::sot::Task | |
dynamicgraph::sot::TaskAbstract | Hierarchical element of the stack of tasks |
dynamicgraph::sot::TaskConti | |
dynamicgraph::sot::TaskPD | |
dynamicgraph::sot::TaskUnilateral | |
Timer< T > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::TimeStamp | |
dynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOp< Operator > | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VectorConstant | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VectorQuaternion | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VectorRollPitchYaw | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VectorRotation | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VectorToRotation | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VectorUTheta | |
dynamicgraph::sot::VisualPointProjecter | |
dynamicgraph::sot::WeightedSot | |